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By 2000, he had obtained his General Educational Development (GED), noting that during his school days, 'I was not doing school I was showing up, but. The transient nature of his school years began to take a toll on Maguire emotionally, and after another relocation for his freshman year, he dropped out of high school and did not return. His mother offered him $100 to take a drama class instead, and he agreed.

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ĭuring his childhood, Maguire entertained the idea of becoming a chef and wanted to enroll in a home economics class as a sixth grader. His parents separated when he was two years old, and Maguire spent much of his childhood living with various family members. Tobias Vincent Maguire was born on June 27, 1975, in Santa Monica, California, to Wendy Brown and Vincent Maguire. 2.4 2013–present: The Great Gatsby, Pawn Sacrifice, and Spider-Man: No Way Home.2.3 2002–13: Spider-Man, Seabiscuit and Brothers.

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